pros & cons : WSGI vs ASGI

WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) and ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) are both specifications in Python for connecting web servers with web applications. WSGI has been the standard for Python web application development for many years, while ASGI is relatively newer and designed to extend WSGI to support asynchronous applications.

WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface)



ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface)




The choice between WSGI and ASGI depends on the specific needs of your application:

It's also worth noting that some frameworks, such as Django (since version 3.0), have started to offer support for both WSGI and ASGI, allowing developers to choose the most appropriate option based on their application's requirements.

FASTapi / Django / Flask

is FASTapi / Django / Flask ASGI or WSGI

FastAPI, Django, and Flask are popular web frameworks in the Python ecosystem, each with its design philosophies, use cases, and support for WSGI or ASGI.




In summary:


how about the Tornado Web Server that Jupyter Notebook uses as backend, what is its relation to WSGI/ASGI

Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library that differs significantly from traditional WSGI/ASGI frameworks. It was designed to handle asynchronous I/O, which makes it well-suited for long-lived network connections and high-concurrency applications, such as long polling, WebSockets, and other applications where a lot of connections need to be open simultaneously. Tornado is particularly known for its high performance and scalability.

Relationship to WSGI/ASGI:

Use in Jupyter Notebook:

Jupyter Notebook uses Tornado as its web server primarily because of its ability to handle multiple simultaneous connections efficiently, which is crucial for a web application like Jupyter that maintains long-lived connections to support interactive computing sessions. Tornado's support for WebSockets is also beneficial for the real-time, bidirectional communication between the client (browser) and the server that Jupyter requires.


Tornado stands somewhat apart from the WSGI/ASGI dichotomy, offering its own approach to asynchronous web serving and application development. It's especially suitable for applications requiring a lot of open connections and real-time data exchange, making it an excellent choice for Jupyter Notebook's backend. While it can work with WSGI applications, doing so is generally not leveraging Tornado's strengths in asynchronous operation.

Gradio / Streamlit

what kind of backend does gradio/streamlit use

Gradio and Streamlit are both Python libraries designed to make it easier for data scientists and developers to create interactive web applications for machine learning models, data visualization, and analysis with minimal web development experience required. Each takes a different approach to how they serve content and manage the backend.


Gradio typically uses Flask as its web server backend. Flask is a lightweight WSGI web application framework that provides the necessary tools to build web applications quickly and with minimal boilerplate code. Gradio leverages Flask to create a simple web server that can host the interfaces for machine learning models or any Python function. Gradio's use of Flask makes it easy to integrate with existing Python data science and machine learning ecosystems.


Streamlit, on the other hand, has its own custom server mechanism built on top of Tornado, which is an asynchronous networking library and web server framework. Tornado allows Streamlit to handle web sockets and manage real-time updates to the user interface, which is essential for creating interactive applications that respond to user input without requiring a page reload. Streamlit's server architecture is designed to streamline the process of deploying data applications by abstracting away much of the complexity involved in web app development.


Both Gradio and Streamlit abstract much of the web development process, allowing developers and data scientists to focus on Python code rather than the intricacies of web frameworks, HTTP, or frontend technologies. Their different backend choices reflect their distinct approaches to simplifying web application development for data-driven projects.